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Sample Set for the free Enigma Organ designed by Al Morse Note: The Enigma Sample Sets produced by Al Morse are no longer available. They are obsolete, and Al has discontinued support for them.The good news, however, is that Al has produced many other, newer, sample sets, and he is now able to host them on his own site, where he also has a number of Hauptwerk Tools available. The pages containing Al's new sample sets are at: http://home.comcast.net/~morse/content_freeorgans.html.
There is more information on Virtual Pipe Organs on
the Virtual Pipe Organ
pages on this site. To see the pages on this site please click on the link (2) provided below. 1. Back to the Welcome page 2. Visit the Virtual Pipe Organ page 3. Visit the My Guitars page |
Contact: my_music.site@yahoo.co.uk