The Hauptwerk Virtual Pipe Organ
(Hosted on the
Raspberry Pi - a web server for £25.00 - and consuming only 5 watt!)

PLEASE NOTE: in 2019 the web address of this site will be:
Please change NOW and add it to your favourites as will cease to exist!

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High Quality Organ Bench

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Playing two hymns
in a Sunday service
(The congregation singing seems quiet because the video camera microphone was used, in the organ gallery)
(Note: these MP4 videos may not yet be playable in all web browsers.
Therefore, if the video does not play, try Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Safari.)
{Please note that some of these videos were recorded with the camera microphone
rather than out of Hauptwerk, with a resultant pedalboard noise and decrease in audio quality.)


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High Quality Organ Bench

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Visit the Real Organ page
Visit the My Guitars page

Visit the Fenlanderz page


English: the language of the world given freely to the world by the English nation!
Do you spell the words of the English language correctly? Are you able to distinguish verbs and nouns by their spelling?
AAdvice (noun)/advise (verb), aesthetic, archaeology, ardour, boulder, cancel/cancelled, centre/centred, colour, defence, device (noun)/devise (verb), disc, favour, flavour, fibre, glamour, goitre, jewellery, label/labelled, licence (noun)/license (verb), manoeuvre, marvellous, marvelled, mould, neighbour, organise, paediatrics, practice (noun)/practise(verb), recognise, rumour, sabre, sceptic, stabilise, theatre, travel/travelled, valour. or if not available>